Weight Loss Cleanse: How To Maximize On The Low-To Moderate Fat Burning Zone

Monday, August 2, 2021

How To Maximize On The Low-To Moderate Fat Burning Zone

You've probably seen a few different pictures on the Internet showing the fat burn zone on the elliptical and treadmill. You may have even skirted around the Internet a little bit trying to figure out whether or not these pictures are actually true. After all, many people claim to have to burn off more fat on the elliptical than in a traditional running or cycling endurance session. So, is it true? Can you really burn fat from the elliptical or treadmill at high speeds as some people claim?

fat burn zone

To answer this question, we need to take a closer look at the fat burn zone that is described on these two machines. Essentially, you just hop on your treadmill or elliptical, and you'll likely see a graphic showing a zone that indicates your maximum heart rate for exercising (in beats per minute). At first glance, it might seem that you burn much more fat exercising at higher intensities (55% 85% of heart rate maximum), than you do working at lower intensities (below 55% of heart rate maximum). However, this doesn't tell the whole story, and if you dig a little deeper, you'll find that you are not only able to exercise at higher intensities but that you also experience an afterburn effect.

When you exercise at a high intensity, you will experience what is called the EPOC peak, which lasts for about one minute. This EPOC peak occurs when you've just reached your maximum exertion and your muscles are ready to relax. This relaxation will mean that you'll burn a lot more calories than you did at your low intensity level. In other words, while you're exercising at higher intensity, your body is burning more calories than before. This phenomenon, called the EPOC, is an important part of the fat burn zone calculator.

The next zone is zone two, which is actually closer to what is described as the EPOC or "evening period". This is the actual resting period between your high intensity exercises and your lowest exertion level. Since you can only exercise at an even rate between these two zones for so long before reaching your zone two stress level, you will actually reach your fat burn Zone two faster than if you had simply continued to exercise at your maximum intensity for ever longer.

By keeping your intensity at a constant level, you actually burn off more fat at lower intensity levels. This is the main reason that most fat burn calculators suggest that you keep your intensity at the equivalent of your resting EPOC for as long as possible. To keep EPOC at its maximum, however, you need to keep your intensity levels consistent with your rest EPOC.

The third zone is the cardiozone. This is the area where you can use both your cardio and your fat burning zone to your advantage. Because this area of your body has so much extra fat storing capacity, it becomes very efficient at using both your cardio and your fat burning zone to its fullest extent. The more efficient your cardio and your fat burning zone became in conjunction, the faster you will reach your goal weight.

You see, both your cardio zone and your fat burn zone rely on your ability to maintain a constant heart rate. If you allow your heart rate to start slowing down during your exercises, either because you are not maintaining your intensity as you go, or because you are too tired to continue, you run the risk of putting yourself out of commission. On the other hand, if you maintain your intensity throughout your workout, you will be burning calories at a much higher rate. Your body will use this extra energy to make its own fat burning process.

Once you have mastered these principles, you will then need to focus on two things. First, you need to find a set program, either online or in a physical fitness book, that you can consistently follow to get to your goals. Second, you need to make sure that you create a high-intensity workout regimen, at least 45 minutes at a time, that takes you through all of the major zones in the low-to-moderate intensity range. As long as you keep in mind the principles laid out in this article, you will have no trouble reaching your goals, whether they are to lose weight, build muscle, or become fitter.

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