Weight Loss Cleanse: What Is The Fat Burn Zone?

Monday, July 26, 2021

What Is The Fat Burn Zone?

The fat burn zone refers to the exact spot in which you are able to keep a healthy weight, trim down and also decrease fat consumption without having to workout too hard at all. You may hear it stated that, in the fat burn zone, no matter what you do, you cannot do anything other than workout! And yet, that is exactly where many people go wrong. In this article, I will show you how to identify your level of fitness and continue burning fat day in and day out.

Let us first define what exactly is meant by the fat burn zone. This zone refers to the exact number of calories your body burns per minute of exercising. It is calculated by the age old technique of calculating calories burned through strenuous exercise. The equation is as follows: maximum calorie maximum workout minutes. That is, the higher your age, the more calories your body burns during your exercising routine.

So, when you talk about the fat burn zone of exercising, you are actually talking about your calorie intake per minute of exercising, not of the intensity of the exercise. Thus, the intensity of your exercising routine does not determine your calories burnt per minute. Likewise, the afterburn effect, on the other hand, is not determined by the intensity of your exercising routine but by your diet. Hence, in this context, it can be said that the afterburn effect is basically the same as the intensity of your exercise.

So, how can we determine our level of fitness? The best way is to consult a health consultant who will chart out your current level of fitness based on your responses to specific questions. Based on this chart, you will be able to determine your target fat burning zone (your target level of calorie consumption per minute). Once you know your target level of calorie consumption per minute, it is then just a matter of choosing the right type of exercise or activity to achieve your goal. For instance, if you want to increase your cardio zone (i.e. get closer to your target heart rate), then you need to start jogging and swimming.

Your goal heart rate zone (Zone A) is the lowest rate of heart beat, that you will sustain during your workout. The Zone B zone (the highest rate of heart beat that you will sustain during your workout) is the highest heart rate that you will sustain during your workout. Keep in mind that the Zone A and Zone B differ by only 10 beats min/minute. For Zone A, it may take you three minutes while for Zone B, it may take you two minutes. Therefore, the time differences between the zones do not significantly change the results of this exercise.

After determining your Zone A and Zone B, you then need to determine your current cardio performance based on your maximum heart rate. For Zone A, your best performance is in the beginning. If you already have your maximum heart rate, then you are ready for the intermediate zone. If you are in the intermediate zone but still in need of more intensity, then you can start in the high cardio zone. The best way to reach your fat burn zone performance level is to keep changing it as your fitness improves.

Now, if you want your fat loss journey to be faster, you simply need to make sure that you are in the optimal zone for your Zone A and your Zone B. That is, keep in mind that in the event that you go outside of your Zone A, then you still need to maintain your Zone A or you will cease to progress because you are still using calories to perform your exercises. Therefore, in order to reach your optimal fat-burning state, try to maintain your current caloric level. If you go outside of your Zone B, then go back to your Zone B until you achieve your ideal Zone C.

So, basically, there are three zones in a traditional cardiac cycle, namely, Zone A, which is where your maximum heart rate occurs, Zone B, where your resting heart rate is lower than your maximum, and Zone C, where your resting heart rate is equal to your maximum heart rate. This means that your exercise should be performed within one of these three zones in order for you to reach your fat burning goal. For example, if you were using the zone A plan, which means that your maximum heart rate is 75 percent of your maximum, you would perform your exercises at least two times per week in zone A, three times in zone B, and once in zone C. Once you have reached your desired Zone, then you would complete a minimum of four one-hour sessions at the gym per week. This would help you to reach your target in a faster pace.

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